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*This service is now available for Suflenorsa Transitarios, S.L. We’re working on providing access to the other companies of the group.


Getting a good job done stress-free

We work with a widely experienced team that, along with our extensive network of correspondents, manage all customs procedures , certifications and necessary governmental formalities with the utmost rigour to meet the demands of our clients.

The principle of our day to day business is to streamline, advise and resolve all that is necessary so that the freight arrive within the shortest time possible and with all formalities strictly covered.


We look after your time and goods

We work so that processes take the minimum time in port and minimizing the costs to the full. We manage any type of necessary procedure, whether bureaucratic (Customs, Maritime Authority, returned goods/repatriations...) or logistical ( goods classification, overland transport, booking coldstore slots...) and always guaranteeing our professional excellence in the sector.


Specialists in frozen cargo

Specialists in the management of frozen goods transport in reefer vessels, a large part of the bulk cargo that we ship comes from fishing.

We are dealing the charterings with Alpha Reefer Transport, Lavinia Corporation and Frigoship Chartering GmbH. This allows us to have access to one of the most important reefer fleets, thus we can offer the best service within our market segment.


Experts in supplying the fuel your vessel needs

We meet the needs of vessels by supplying gasoil at sea as as well as in ports. Offshore, our key areas are:

- Brazil
- Chile
- Ecuador
- Spain
- Falkland Islands (South Atlantic)
- Indian Ocean
- Peru
- Uruguay
- South Africa
- …
Freight Forwarding
Freight Forwarding

Freight Forwarding

Tailor made logistic solutions

We take responsibility for managing the transport for all types of goods, full or part loads, no matter the kind of goods or means of transport. We complete the logistic cycle responding to our clients demands in the manipulation of their goods.

We offer personalised advice for each case study, always anticipating the needs of our client portfolio:
• Air shipments: as IATA agents we offer all types of solutions.
• Overland transport: we offer efficient and competitive services, as much as in road haulage as in rail transport throughout the whole of Europe.
• Sea transport: thanks to our volume of goods, we work with preferential rates with the main shipping companies. This allows us to give a competitive price and better conditions.


We have facilities in the area of Galicia (NW Spain) for the storage of dry and frozen goods.

Dry goods

For the storage of dry goods we have facilities to meet the logistical demands of our clients: a warehouse in Porriño (Pontevedra) with the following characteristics:
• An area of approximately 2,100 m2 .
• The premises are equipped with the necessary machinery to carry out consolidation of container shipments and trucks.
• A capacity for storage of dry goods.

In this way we go further in providing an integrated service for different market profiles and needs.

Frozen goods

With respect to the storage of frozen goods we are supported by Alicrusa

We are forever seeking global solutions by dealing with different resources depending on the client’s situation. Our aim is to adapt our service to our client’s needs while making the process much easier for them.


Cold storage and Logistics services

Opened in 2007, the group’s cold store was set up to meet our clients logistical needs for the storage of perishable goods. It is located in A Pobra do Caramiñal (A Coruña Province), which is strategically placed near the major landing ports for tuna fish, hake and squid.

This cold store has an area of 4,600m2, 30,000m3 of capacity  and a handling/processing are of 1,100m2 . Furthermore, the cold store provides a comprehensive service of storage, processing and distribution of goods.

One big advantage is the availability of a container terminal that allows us to give short or long term storage under a guarantee of a supervised and controlled service.



  • Frigonor enjoys the latest technological advances, so products are preserved in optimal conditions, the handling is correct, transformation & expedition warranting the top quality of products.

    Our main aim is to provide a service in which all products get to your kitchen with the quality you expect, for that purpose we’ve the dedication and professionalism of our staff.


  • MSC
  • * IFS
(*) under process


Frigonor Coldstore, S. L.

Galician start-up.

-The coldstore is placed in Polígono Industrial A Tomada, 3 km far from A Pobra do Caramiñal dock and 10 kms far from Ribeira port. A Pobra do Caramiñal is the most important bulk tuna discharge port in the EU. The coldstore gives solution to the growing stoage freezing demand of the sector.

Facilities and equipment

  • Frigonor facilities are located in a 13178m2 area, with 10500m2 constructed area, 8320m2 built surface and 50200m3 cooling capacity.
  • 2 freezing chambers at -20ºC with mobile shelving with 8000 slots, 1 chamber with 2400 boxes for tuna and 4200m3 chamber at -40ºC for sashimi quality storage.
  • Handling room for picking / classification of 330/940m3.
  • RF chambers management. Identification and traceability.
  • 8 loading and unloading docks with special machinery adapted to make work fast, save & efficiently.
  • Weighing platforms for pallets & trucks.
  • Discharge hopper and tuna loading conveyor.
  • Temperature control.
  • 450kw photovoltaic plant
  • Customs warehouse
  • Frigonor has also a processing room for frozen fish, where products such as loin, bellies, slices, blocks, etc. from tuna or any other species, being able to adjust to our customer’s needs.


  • Frigonor enjoys the latest technological advances, so products are preserved in optimal conditions, the handling is correct, transformation & expedition warranting the top quality of products.

    Our main aim is to provide a service in which all products get to your kitchen with the quality you expect, for that purpose we’ve the dedication and professionalism of our staff.


  • MSC
  • * IFS
(*) under process